Approved United States Tax Court Clinical, Student Practice & Calendar Call Program
Approved United States Tax Court Clinical, Student Practice & Calendar Call Program
Thank you for your interest in helping us to serve low-income taxpayers on Hawai'i. Hi, again! I'm Kathryn Franklin, interim business manager and pro bono rep. If you're an attorney, USTCP or CPA, we can certainly use your skills. Contact us so we can talk about how you may help our cause.
You can view, listen and ask questions on your cell phone. Get a free tax education.
Sign-up Now! Call +1 (808) 202-2274
Step 1. A low income taxpayer who wants free service must fill out the Client-Intake Form opposite this writing.
Step 2. Before doing so, the prospective client should read the notice they received from the IRS. We handle only Federal tax matters.
Step 3. When answering the question, "Tell us about your tax problem," the client should describe in a few words the "tax problem".
Step 4. Then click "Send".
Step 5. to Fax IRS letters you received, please call us at +1(808) 202-2274.
1001 Bishop St, near Hawai'i Capital Historic District, Suite 2685A, Honolulu, Hawai'i, United States
Mailing Address and Drop-off | 1001 Bishop St. | Suite 2685A | Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813 | United States Toll Free +1 (808) 202-2274
Don't forget... Read the Low Income Taxpayer Clinic Income Eligibility Guidelines. Then call us or write if you fit within the guidelines. You may drop-off documents in a sealed envelop at our office located at 1001 Bishop St., near the Hawai'i Capitol Historic District. All others should use the U.S. Mail addressed to 1001 Bishop St. See above.
Copyright © 2020-2025 Hawai'i Federal Tax Clinic - a corporation exempt from federal income tax under IRC Section 501(c)(3). All Rights Reserved. Registered Agent located at 1001 Bishop St., near Hawai'i Capital Historic District, Suite 2685A, Honolulu, HI 96813 USA
Approved United States Tax Court Clinical Program
Help low-income taxpayers in Hawai'i. Give what you can. Volunteer your professional services.